The cure for disposable “plastic crap” is here — and it’s simple

How WIRED’s recent piece on the solution to plastic pollution circumvents the emerging science on plastic and public health. WIRED’s article, “The Cure for Disposable Plastic Crap Is Here—and It’s Loony,” highlights the urgent and daunting task of tackling plastic pollution, but completely misses the point that the solution to the plastic problem is actually … Read more

Pacific Environment Applauds US’ Stronger Stance on Global Plastic Treaty

WASHINGTON, DC, August 16, 2024 — Pacific Environment applauds the Biden administration shifting its position to take a stronger stance on the Global Plastics Treaty, including signaling an openness to including legally binding measures to reduce global plastic production.  The United States had previously held a position that capping plastic production should be left to … Read more

Pacific Environment’s Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to the May 2024 edition of Pacific Environment’s new monthly e-newsletter! This is an opportunity to highlight some of our work and share our victories for communities, climate, and wildlife. Ports for People In Los Angeles, a demand for clean air and healthy portside neighborhoods Pacific Environment, in tandem with members of T.H.E. Impact … Read more

We need all hands on deck for a strong Global Plastics Treaty

Last week, the Pacific Environment team returned home from the fourth meeting of the United Nations Global Plastics Treaty negotiations (also known as INC-4) in Ottawa, Canada. This meeting brought together delegates from over 160 countries, as well as hundreds of industry, civil society, Indigenous Peoples, rightsholders, health advocates and other observers. Our team focused … Read more

March to End the Plastic Era, led by Indigenous Peoples and impacted community leaders, exposes how plastic poisons people across its full lifecycle

Ottawa, Canada | Traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabeg People — Today, hundreds of impacted community leaders and experts from around the world came together in the streets of Ottawa ahead of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to advance a plastics treaty, marking a pivotal “make or break” moment for the Global … Read more

The Plastic-Climate Problem

An alarming new report published by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) confirms that plastic production is a huge contributor to global climate change. Gone unchecked, the report’s authors estimate that by mid-century, global climate change pollution from the plastics industry could triple, accounting for one-fifth of Earth’s remaining carbon budget. The report comes as … Read more

Pacific Environment’s Monthly Newsletter

Welcome to the April 2024 edition of Pacific Environment’s new monthly e-newsletter! This is an opportunity to highlight some of our work and share victories for communities, climate, and wildlife. Plastics Earth Day: Planet vs. Plastics It is the 54th celebration of Earth Day and this year’s theme of Planet vs. Plastics is important to … Read more