Pacific Environment empowers supporters like you to take bold action and hold those in power accountable. Together, we can amplify local voices and create real change for our planet.

Ready to make an impact? Explore the options below and click on each petition’s button and image to take action through our Action Center.

Tell the U.S. Government: Take a Stronger Stance on the Global Plastics Treaty

Plastic pollution is a global crisis, and we need urgent action to address it with global solutions.

White House

The unchecked production, use, and disposal of plastic are devastating our communities, air, water, biodiversity, and soils. As the UN’s Global Plastics Treaty negotiations unfold, the U.S. government has a critical opportunity to lead the world in creating impactful, lasting solutions. It’s time for the U.S. to step up and champion ambitious policies that tackle this crisis head-on.

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Tell the Mayors of Los Angeles and Long Beach: Be Environmental Justice Leaders and Clean Up Ports and Railyards

Sign the petition urging Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass and Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson to support the South Coast AQMD’s Ports and Rail Indirect Source Rules and fulfill their zero-emission port commitments to stop harmful pollution at the San Pedro Bay ports.

From ships departing our shores to trucks and trains passing through our neighborhoods, fossil fuel burning drives every step of goods movement — disproportionately impacting Black, Brown, and working-class frontline communities. It’s time for change.

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President Biden: Sign an Executive Order to END Ship & Port Pollution

President Biden has the power to make a lasting impact on climate and community health. With one signature, he can accelerate efforts to end ship and port pollution and prioritize the well-being of portside communities.

While ocean shipping supports the global economy, its emissions are harmful—causing 6 million childhood asthma cases and over 250,000 premature deaths globally each year. We need President Biden to act now, eliminate toxic emissions, advance environmental justice, create good-paying union jobs, and save lives.

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Tell the EPA: Approve Life-Saving Protections to Safeguard California’s Health & Air Quality

In 2022, the California Air Resources Board set the nation’s first zero-emissions mandate for ferries and required cleaner engine upgrades for tugboats. But the EPA still needs to approve these vital amendments for them to take effect.

Harbor craft vessels, like ferries and tugboats, release harmful emissions that cause asthma, lung disease, and cancer—posing severe health risks for port communities. Predominantly working-class Black and Brown communities near the San Pedro Bay ports suffer higher rates of respiratory issues and lower life expectancy. It’s time for the EPA to act and protect these communities.

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