If we want to stop runaway climate change, we have to stop burning fossil fuels for energy. We partner with local activists and indigenous leaders around the Pacific Rim to reduce fossil fuel emissions and advocate a just transition to a clean energy economy.

Arctic Beats Back Shell Oil

Blog Post | February 28, 2013 | Alex Levinson
When Shell announced yesterday that it was giving up on its plans to drill for oil in Alaska’s Arctic this year, I was elated—but not exactly surprised. A chain...

Harnessing Social Media to Challenge Coal in China

Blog Post | February 21, 2013 | Alex Levinson
In China, where coal is king, Pacific Environment is harnessing the power of social media to show that the emperor is wearing some very dirty clothes. We just launched...

Forward on Climate – Impressions from a Day of Action

Blog Post | February 19, 2013 | Domenique Zuber
When I arrived at 1 Market Plaza in San Francisco this past Sunday, I saw an entire city block filled with people demanding  that President Obama block the Keystone...

World Bank's Private Portfolio Unaware of Environmental Impacts

Press Release | February 8, 2013
Campaigners are calling for a fundamental overhaul of World Bank lending to financial markets actors, following the publication of an Ombudsman audit.

Letter to the Arctic Environmental Ministers on Black Carbon

Press Release | February 4, 2013
We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations, write to urge you to use the occasion of the historic second meeting of Arctic environment ministers to strongly encourage Arctic states to take...

The World’s Top 3 Climate Change Threats

Blog Post | January 31, 2013 | Alex Levinson
Do you know what China, Australia, and the Arctic have in common? Apart from stunning scenery, it turns out that each is home to one of the 3 biggest...