Pacific Environment at the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations
Driving global action against plastic pollution
In 2022, the U.N. Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) adopted a historic resolution to develop an international legally-binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. These negotiations, known as INC, began during the second half of 2022, with the ambition to complete the negotiations by the end of 2024. Pacific Environment has attended the negotiations as an observer. We promote a comprehensive, binding agreement that addresses plastic’s full life cycle.
Global leaders gathered in Busan, Republic of Korea for what was supposed to be the final session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5) on Plastic Pollution, but the convening wrapped up without a binding treaty to address plastic pollution. Overall, however, INC-5 demonstrated that the tide on plastic is turning. Global South regions such as Africa, GRULAC and the Pacific Island nations led the charge, releasing multiple text proposals calling for plastic production reduction and 103 countries signed in support of a Declaration on Primary Plastic Polymers.
Participating countries adjourned the fifth session with agreement on a “Chair’s Text” that will serve as the starting point for negotiations at a resumed session (INC-5.2), to be held in 2025. Key topics for discussion include: capping plastics production, establishing a financial mechanism to implement the agreement and managing “chemicals of concern.” Our team will be attending alongside other NGOs, scientists, Indigenous community members, frontline and fenceline communities, healthcare workers, waste pickers and others. Explore our key insights and resources as we push for meaningful, lasting solutions to the plastic pollution crisis. We will continue to update this page as more information for INC-5.2 becomes available.
Our main goals
At INC-5, we will continue to advocate for a binding international agreement to tackle plastic pollution at every stage — from production to disposal. Our primary goals include:
Securing a strong treaty framework
Secure a strong, substantive treaty that addresses plastic’s impacts across the entire plastic life cycle, with enforceable regulations on production, design and disposal.
Promoting science-based solutions
Center climate and health science as well as frontline and Indigenous expertise, including reducing plastic production by at least 75% and the elimination of harmful chemicals, including hazardous polymers.
Supporting a just transition
Champion a treaty that elevates the concerns and expertise of waste pickers and informal recyclers and ensure high-quality, safe jobs through a just transition. We also call for a dedicated financing mechanism to support the transition away from plastic in the Global South, and ending transnational plastics waste trade.
Our resources
Learn more about the global plastic pollution crisis, Pacific Environment’s work to address it and how you can get involved.
Stay connected
Join us on the journey to INC-5.2! Follow along on social media (Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn) for real-time updates, insights and ways to take action as we work toward a world free from plastic pollution. Let’s create change together—stay connected and be part of the conversation!