Reducing Single-use Plastic and Imagining a Sustainable Future Through Art

Vietnam team
Date: July 29, 2024

This month, Pacific Environment and the Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance hosted the Young Painter Contest as part of Plastic Free July. Part of a broader campaign to reduce single use plastics, Trendy July: Reduce Single-Use Plastic, Embrace Sustainability, aims to encourage sustainable living among younger generations through art tailored to primary school students across Vietnam.

The contest not only provided a platform for children to showcase their artistic talents but also fostered environmental awareness, especially regarding plastic-waste reduction. Through their vibrant and creative drawings, the children conveyed powerful messages about the necessity of limiting single-use plastics to contribute to a greener, cleaner future. The contest received over 100 entries from children nationwide, which were evaluated for creativity, message delivery and artistic quality.

1st Prize: Tran Anh Quan from Hanoi, Vietnam

The awards ceremony was held on July 15, 2024 and was filled with excitement and pride from students, parents and supporters. A total of 16 prizes were awarded to the most outstanding entries, including the Meaningful Message Award and Popular Vote Award. The contest was not only an opportunity to honor young talents but also a moment for the community to reflect on the importance of environmental protection.

A painting featuring two kids on a canoe floating above the ocean floor, with octopuses, jellyfish, starfish, fish and a variety of plastic trash. Light is beaming out from the boat as the children collect trash and create a beautiful marine environment, while plastic trash including spoons, bags and bottles clog the ocean in the shadows.
2nd Prize: Nguyen Thien Minh from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

The painting contest left a lasting impact on the participants by educating and raising awareness around environmental protection. Students learned how to protect the environment not just through theoretical lessons but also through practical experiences, fostering good habits and spreading positive actions — and messages — within the community.

The impact of this contest extended beyond the children to their families and communities. Parents reported increased discussions at home about environmental issues and more conscious efforts to reduce plastic use. Teachers observed heightened interest and engagement in environmental topics among their students, indicating that the contest had successfully integrated environmental education into the children’s daily lives.

Hear from Huỳnh Như Thảo, a grade 3 student at Trường PTLC Vinschool Grandpark in Hồ Chí Minh city, discuss the plastic pollution problem, sustainable solutions and how young people can get involved. 

The initiative inspired schools to incorporate more environmental activities into their curricula. Some schools have started their own plastic reduction campaigns and art projects, motivated by the success of the Young Painter Contest. This ripple effect showcases the power of engaging the younger generation in environmental advocacy.

A drawing of a bottle contains a small bright and happy scene with a sun, clouds, trees and three kids playing jump rope. The bottle is resting in the ocean and surrounded by other plastic trash including sachets and plastic bags, as well as fish. The top of the painting, behind the ocean is a bright yellow sky with an orange sun.
2nd prize: The plastic bottle – Le Tung Chi, Hanoi, Vietnam

Pacific Environment and the Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance are committed to continuing this momentum. Future initiatives will build on the success of the Young Painter Contest, exploring new ways to integrate sustainability into education and daily life. Plans include expanding the contest to include older students, introducing new categories such as digital art and video production and hosting workshops to further educate and inspire young environmental advocates.

Join Pacific Environment Vietnam and Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance in continuing to spread this spirit, inspiring change and reducing single-use plastics. We thank all the children and families who participated and supported the contest and hope that through this experience, the participants will continue to maintain sustainable living habits and spread positive environmental messages to those around them.

The Young Painter Contest has set a precedent for future environmental education initiatives. It has shown that with creativity, enthusiasm and community support, we can empower the younger generation to lead the way in sustainability. As we look to the future, we are excited to see how these young artists will continue to inspire and drive positive environmental change.

See more amazing plastic-free art! Follow us as we post some of the most inspiring art submissions on Instagram. You can also follow Pacific Environment Vietnam here.