Stuart Kaplan

Stuart Kaplan is a San Francisco-based attorney, acting frequently as a Court-appointed Receiver to operate businesses in dispute during the course of litigation. His work as a neutral manager for various land development operations has often involved assurance of compliance with various environmental mandates and has included clean-up of a former Dutch Boy Paint factory at the request of the California Department of Health, and takeover of a used engine oil facility that was polluting a portion of the San Francisco Bay, at the request of the State Attorney General.
Stuart has long been a dedicated volunteer on behalf of children and youth groups, including as former Director of Big Brothers/Big Sisters. He recently championed the reinstatement of geography studies in Boston Latin School, the oldest public school in the United States and Stuart’s Alma Mater, engaging 2000 students and 18 instructors in this program. Stuart’s passion for geography and geopolitics has led to extensive travel throughout Asia, both on legal assignments and for pleasure.