Xuan Quach

Xuan Quach brings two years of leadership experience with Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance (VZWA) and seven years of city government public policy experience with City of Da Nang to her role as Vietnam consultant at Pacific Environment. As coordinator of VZWA beginning in October 2017, Xuan has been working to network a core group of Vietnamese NGOs together to advocate for zero waste solutions to the problem of plastic pollution.
Concurrently, at Da Nang Institute for Socio-Economic Development, she served as head for urban studies and also led the Consultancy for Sustainable Development division. Her analyses helped the Institute to guide the development of Da Nang City, one of the fast-growing metropolises in Asia. Prior to working for Da Nang City, Xuan earned her master’s degree in agricultural and resource economics from Kyushu University, Japan, and obtained her PhD in water resource management from Milan Polytechnic University, Italy.