Fighting Extreme Oil & Gas
Much of the cheap and easy oil and gas is gone.
Oil companies are now moving into ecologically rich wilderness areas in the Arctic and the Russian Far East.
Extreme conditions make these high-risk undertakings that endanger wildlife already struggling from habitat loss. These moves also threaten catastrophic oil spills that would devastate ocean life and destroy indigenous livelihoods.
We mobilize communities to fight reckless oil drilling, dangerous pipelines and other unneeded oil infrastructure.

Mobilizing People to Defend Wild Places and the Climate
Putting money into fossil fuels is a loser’s game—for people and the planet.
We partner with grassroots activists to mobilize public resistance to climate-changing fossil fuel projects and to preserve unique ecosystems around the Pacific Rim.
We ally with national environmental groups to challenge Arctic offshore oil drilling in U.S. courts.
Our Impact
We foster alliances between environmental groups and indigenous leaders to protect fragile ecosystems. Many indigenous communities depend on the land, rivers and seas for food security and cultural integrity.
Together with our allies, we protect coastal and marine ecosystems in the Arctic from offshore oil drilling.
We and local grassroots leaders force oil companies like Shell and ExxonMobil to ensure that existing oil project operate in line with the best international social and environmental standards to protect workers, communities and the environment.