Partnering with Local Activists to Protect Pacific Rim Communities and Wildlife

People everywhere want to prosper, live in healthy communities, enjoy a thriving natural world, and breathe clean air and drink clear water.

Pacific Environment offers one of the very few granting and training programs for grassroots environmental leaders that nurtures creative activism and leadership among local partners and their many community volunteers.

Learn More
  • The warnings from the UN are clear; we have no time to waste to reduce carbon pollution and save our warming planet
    Antonio Santos, Pacific Environment
  • We lead a coalition of environmental groups that successfully establishes new international laws to protect Arctic indigenous communities and wildlife from an anticipated exponential increase in ship traffic.
  • The grassroots groups we nurture show increasingly impressive wins against corporate polluters. In China, they now annually instigate over 200 successful actions against industries, leading to factory shut downs and clean ups.
  • Together with our partners around the Pacific Rim, we're pressuring the shipping industry and some of its biggest corporate clients to reduce carbon pollution from ocean-going vessels.
  • Healthy Oceans
  • Thriving Communities
  • The Climate Challenge
We equip grassroots leaders with funding and technical skills to mobilize local people to advocate clean air and water and safe food. (Photo: Pacific Environment/Partner)
Our partners lead conservation efforts in their local communities.

People Shift Power

At Pacific Environment, we believe that communities must determine their destinies and that people have a right to meaningfully participate in decisions that affect their lives, their livelihoods and the natural environment.

That’s why Pacific Environment helps build the global grassroots environmental movement.

We achieve this by providing direct financial support, technical and legal expertise, and the know-how to build activist networks.

We also fight for systemic changes that complement and can even transform these local efforts.

We seek policy reforms in international legal regimes that influence what happens locally throughout the world.

We win through forceful advocacy, strong coalition-building and grassroots pressure.

  • We give direct financial support: $7 million over the past 15 years.
  • We provide needed expertise on a range of matters: technical, policy, legal, financial and scientific.
  • We connect activists with each other and with international peers to counter isolation and promote shared learning and collective campaigning.